Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Monday TV (well, some of it)

Caught up on The Class and The Black Donnellys last night. I haven't gotten to Heroes, yet, but I figure I've got time since there won't be another new episode for six weeks.

As a season finale, The Class was alright, but as a series finale it totally stunk, and at this point, no one knows for sure which it was.

I love Richie and Lina (well, mostly Richie), but isn't it a bit early for them to get engaged? Isn't he probably still legally married to Darlene? Also, what was Perry doing there? Technically, I know the answer: the actress who played Holly wanted out, but Perry played well with audiences because gay stereotyping is sooo hilarious. Blah. My favorite "couple" on this show might be Kyle and Ethan, so I like that they had some screen time, and I liked the scenes with Nicole/Yonk/Duncan. I'm glad to see Nicole is feeling a little more torn about adultery and divorce than Richie. I get that his marriage was totally awful and he's better off now, but as with my reaction to Little Children, I wish he'd left Darlene before starting something up with Lina. I'm not sure how I feel about the Kat/Ethan/Duncan storyline. I knew the Kat/Duncan thing was happening as soon as he opened the door and she was there. As a season finale, it's okay that Kat and Ethan were kept apart, but if this was the end of the show, I really wish they would've gotten together.

As for The Black Donnellys...I'm not even sure what to say. Did anything relevant happen at all or was this whole episode just an excuse for gratuitous nudity and violence? I don't mean to be a prude; In fact, I'm all for nudity and violence (although Tommy is that weird kind of too muscular that freaks me out). This just seemed so pointless. The only even slighly important thing that happened was Jenny rejecting Tommy after she slept with him. Interesting timing on that. Also, I can't decide if I think it's funny that Joey keeps inserting himself in the story and the brothers react or if it's just really annoying. I also found myself being really nitpicky about this episode. For example, both Tommy and Kevin happened to be wearing entire outfits that came from the same store and that same store happened to have all of that clothing still in stock and in their sizes, so it was no problem to replace everything. Really?

Last week, I was totally gung-ho about this show. This week, I feel like I could take it or leave it, leaning more towards the latter.


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