Thursday, March 8, 2007

busy Wednesday

Busy night last night-I finished reading The Dive From Clausen's Pier; Trish came over for dinner (enchiladas and coffee cake for dessert); and Pat and I watched Boondock Saints (sorry, Rand, I couldn't wait!) and Heroes.

I gave Boondock Saints three out of five stars on Netflix, so that's an "I liked it." Here's why:
  • I thought I had the ending all figured out, but I didn't, and I was totally surprised by the twist with The Duke. I like to be surprised on occasion.
  • Cute guys with Irish accents and tattoos.
  • I liked some of the...I'm not sure what to call them...filming techniques? Well, specifically, I liked when Willem Dafoe was re-creating the crimes and the scenes played out around him. They do a similar thing sometimes on Criminal Minds, but that just doesn't work for me (or impress me) the way this did.
  • Speaking of Willem Dafoe, his character (and the way he played him) was...I don't know, I'm at a loss for words. For his performance alone, I highly recommend that you see Boondock Saints, if you haven't already.

Still, I didn't "really like it" or "love it," though. The plot itself didn't really do much for me. Also, the cat? Was that necessary?

Heroes, aka This Show is So Awesome and I Can't Believe We Have to Wait Six More Weeks for Another Episode

I'm going to stick with the list format because I think that's the only way I'll be able to sort through my reactions.

Hiro...just when I was thinking, "Wow, I'm getting bored with Hiro--say it ain't so!" Then, Ando showed up and saved the day.

Nathan...another morally ambiguous character like HRG. You know he is trying to do good, protect people, but as soon as Linderman makes the promise of power, he rolls right over. Don't go to the dark side, Nathan.

Nathan's Mama...I didn't see that coming. I love the way this show makes sure everything is connected, that nothing ever happens without a reason, without affecting everything else. Well, except "Wireless." Where is she? Why bring her in at all then just have her disappear? She better come back, or I'll be disappointed. But, I digress. I'd like to learn more about Nathan and Peter's dad and how he plays into this whole thing. And how does Linderman know about the powers? And where was Sulu this week? Which side is he on?

That girl from Stick It...Cool power. Total bitch. Also, if you were really trying to convince someone that you work for a paper company, would you dress like a goth Catholic school girl? Wear some color, put on an actual skirt. Also, why are people with powers so willing to help out HRG's organization?

Niki/Jessica...normally, my least favorite storyline. I like the Jessica is starting to fight back in little ways, though. Still, she's just too far on the periphery of the web of interconnectedness for me to care too much, yet.

Mohinder/Sylar...personally, I prefer the storylines involving HRG's organization and Linderman and the Petrellis and the threat that poses to the heroes to the storyline involving Sylar's threat to the heroes. Like Niki, this seems peripheral and distracting. Also, never ever ever keep the bad guy alive. As soon as you've got him doped, kill him. Duh. You could just as easily get his DNA and solve your little formula puzzle once he's dead.


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