Thursday, March 1, 2007

The Black Donnellys...or not

Before I actually get to The Black Donnellys, I'm going to respond to Cristina's comments.

First of all, after it was mentioned to me twice in 24 hours, I added Boondock Saints to my Netflix queue. I'll let you know what I think if Pat and I ever watch the movies we have now so we can send them back...

Secondly, Studio 60. Ugh. I didn't even bother to watch the last two episodes. This show had a lot of potential: Aaron Sorkin (I loved The West Wing), a great cast, an interesting premise. At first, I really liked it (especially the aforementioned "snappy dialog")...somewhere along the way, though, it just went wrong.

Sorkin somehow managed to use a sketch-comedy set as a pulpit for his preachiness even more than he was able to use the White House. Oh, you hate Christians and the FCC and the state of television today? Oh, and you used to have a drug problem? I had NO idea. Thanks, but I don't really care if you aren't bothering to tell me a good story. They choose to focus on the least interesting cast members and storylines, in my opinion. Matt and Harriet? I couldn't care less. Danny stalking Jordan? Creep-tastic. D.L. Hughley every time he's on screen? Snooze-fest.

I like Jordan and her scenes with Steven Weber sizzle with chemistry (not the romantic kind, they just play off each other so well). In fact, I'd say Steven Weber is the unsung hero of this show. I love him as Jack, the exec with a soft side. Also, in the sea of talented actors on this show, he still stands out and steals every scene. You know who else is totally underrated in my mind? Tom Jeter. I can relate to him as someone who clearly feels very attached to his family, while at the same time feeling like he doesn't fit in with them at all. Also, how can you not love his baby-face and his total awkwardness? Hard to believe Nate is the brother of Rob Corddry, an actor I find so grating, I'm guaranteed to change the channel as soon as he's on screen. I'd also like to see more of the writer's room, with the embittered older guy and Darius and Lucy as the fresh blood. There's potential there and instead they are wasting Darius on a storyline with Snooze-fest Simon.

I've clearly done way too much thinking about this show since a) it won't be on the air much longer and b) I've now rambled on long enough that I'm going to postpone sharing my thoughts on The Black Donnellys again.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

So I own The Boondock Saints if you ever want to come over and watch it. It's on VHS, otherwise I would just let you borrow it. It was one of my favorite movies for a long time. It's kind of an action/mob type movie, but it's almost a parody of those kinds of movie too. All around, cute boys, great accents, funny shit. Two enthusiastic thumbs up :-)