Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Reality Finales

Needless to say, I'm pleased with the outcome of Season 4 of Dancing with the Stars. Apolo was awesome and he and Julianne totally deserved to win. I would've liked to have seen Laila as the runner up, but hoping for first and second place to work out the way I wanted was probably a little greedy.

Now, on to American Idol. I want Blake to win, but I concede that Jordin was the better contestant last night (and I knew she was going to win before they'd even took the stage). However, giving them both the same song to end with was totally bush league. Alan Sepinwall says it better than I could: "Now, is that fair, America? Asking Blake to sing [the puppy dog and rainbows anthem] is like asking Dennis Kucinich to dunk a basketball. Asking Jordin to do it is like asking Paris Hilton to be nasty and conceited. It just comes naturally to her, and she hits a sustained glory note near the end that Blake would never in a million years even think of attempting."

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