Monday, May 7, 2007

As promised...

...a quick rundown of my recent TV viewing.

How I Met Your Mother: This show consistently makes me laugh out loud and I'm going to be pissed if it doesn't come back. Though, they are promising that the last episode of this season will also work as a series finale.

Heroes: I'm so far behind!

Criminal Minds: I haven't been watching this religiously, but I need to watch last week's episode because Heidi, who used to live on 15C with Trish (and taught her how to do the now infamous Banana) is in the episode.

My Name is Earl: Joy's preparations for crossing the border: hilarious. Spoofing Rudy: even better. I love this show.

Scrubs: Go Team JD! Keith's got to go.

Grey's Anatomy: Believe it or not, I don't have much to say on this topic right now. I'm going to ride it out 'til the end of the season and see what I think. Recently, I've found the writing to be on par with the first season in terms of the quality of the dialogue, etc., but I'm just not pleased with the direction the storylines are going in. Also, I'm still trying to decide how I felt about the spin-off.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Becca, if they take away How I Met Your Mother AND The Class I will be very very very upset with CBS. Like you don't even know...Actually, you probably know as I've ranted about The Class before.

I just started watching My Name is Earl and I LOVE IT. Joy is hy-sterical.

I agree whole-heartedly with you on Scrubs and Greys.

Thank you for giving me a way to avoid my work :-)