Friday, May 4, 2007

Odds 'n' Ends

Andi feels I have not been prolific enough in my blogging of late, so here are some odds 'n' ends to tide folks over (tie them over? I'm not really clear on what the saying is exactly...) until I stop feeling like I got hit by a train.

So, first, life updates, so you know why I feel like I got hit by a train: I'm working two jobs now. A lot of people do it. I've even done it many times in the past. And, I assume I will adjust soon enough. But, right now, I'm exhausted. Every minute of every day I'm thinking about how much I want to sleep and even blogging feels like it will take too much energy. Still, at the end of the summer, when I find myself unemployed and moving to a strange far away place, I will be glad I've saved up some cash. That's about it. I mean, I'm super busy aside from the two jobs and I have about one million things to do before the big move, but none of that is interesting enough to blog about, though some of it is a lot of it is fun (I really am having a lot of fun recently. I'm trying to spend as much free time as possible with people before I'm a thousand miles away and homesick.).

As for news about the big move: there is none. No, we don't have an apartment. No, Pat doesn't have a job, yet. No, we don't know when we're moving. Although, August 10 is tentatively my last day of work.

I have started a new blog that I won't be posting in until we leave for Texas. It's called Boston to Austin and there's a link to it over on the right-hand side of this page. While this blog is pretty much focused on what I'm reading/watching (with occasional anecdotes about dying my cat blue), that one will be a little more in-depth as to what I'm actually doing. It's just another tool for keeping in touch when I'm in the Lone Star State.

Now, on to what I'm reading/watching: I am pretty sure I haven't actually watched a movie since I was in LA at the beginning of the month. I started to watch some terrible movie with the Wilson brothers, but I didn't finish it so that doesn't count. I've been reading Schindler's List for a while. Again, because of the whole tired/busy thing, I haven't made much progress. Enough to feel sad, though. And nauseous. But, blogging about that really would take too much energy, so I'll wait 'til I'm done with it. I'll do another post about the TV I've been watching, although (and by now you should be used to this song and dance), I'm way behind on the DVR because I've been so busy (yeah, that excuse got old quick, I know, the next entry will be peppier, I promise).
The rest is less whiny...


Unknown said...

Thank you Becca for blogging!!!! And the shout out was quality as well :-)

Anonymous said...

The saying is definitely "tide", not "tie". Just sayin'. :-)

Becca said...

Good to know. Is "tying one over" a euphemism for getting drunk? Or wait, "tying one on?" Am I making this up?

Anonymous said...

One who gets drunk ties one on. Don't take my word for it; try here.