Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Transformers came out on DVD today, and despite Pat's mocking, I did go out and buy it. Not only that, but I went to get it at Target, which is the only retailer offering it in the DVD case that transforms into Optimus Prime.

At 11:45 this morning, on the day it came out, there were at least five other people buying it in the five minutes I was at Target. One was a mother of a young child buying it in the regular case. The other four were all dudes my age and three of them were getting the transforming case.

Too funny. I may be a tool, but obviously I'm not alone. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jim's been bitching and moaning about not having gotten around to seeing Transformers this summer for a while, so when I got a Jordan's/IMAX alert that it was showing at the IMAX, he was happier than a pig in mud. It was pretty cool. I wasn't expecting much, and was pleasantly suprised.