Friday, January 30, 2009


One of my many resolutions meant to increase my well-being this semester o' craziness is to be in bed by 11 every night (reading, etc. is okay, but I want to be physically in the bed by 11; also, I've already failed at this many times) and to set my alarm for 8am any day that I don't actually have to be up at a specific time. So, imagine my surprise when, after being up for about half an hour this morning, I saw that my computer clock read "7:29am." Apparently, while setting my alarm last night, I also reset the clock. This is why I should not go to bed too late.

This isn't the first time recently I've gotten lost in time, either. The first time was a bit more mysterious, but it also caused me to lose sleep. Why don't these gaps in the space-time continuum allow me to lose an hour of work or class or something? I really like sleep.

The day we left Boston, we set the alarm for 6am and planned to be out the door by 6:30. The alarm on Pat's phone went off, I went upstairs, brushed my teeth, got dressed, finished packing and then looked at my phone. Which said 3:59am. What? Pat's phone, though, said 6:30am. His Blackberry was our tie-breaker, confirming that it was, indeed, 4am. Pat's phone, like mine, gets its time directly from AT&T towers, it's not set manually. So, I have no idea how it ended up 2.5 hours off, but I never really got back to sleep that day. It was awful.

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