Monday, April 23, 2007


I'm catching up on Dancing with the Stars right now because I was working earlier so I don't have much to say about the dancers, yet (except that I love Joey). But, I did want to comment on how one of the best things about this show is how they manage to stack the audience with B-list celebs every week. This week I've seen Norm (from Cheers) and J.C. from N&Sync. Not as good as the week of Brian Austin Green and Boyz II Men, but still pretty good.

Okay, and they just pointed out George Lopez before I could hit "Publish," but that doesn't count because he's on ABC.

ETA: Laila and Maks were freaking awesome. Plus, they danced to a pep band song.

ETA2: Oh, Billy Ray. That was awkward and a little tooly and still your best week, yet. Go you!

ETA3: Apolo and Julianne just made me feel dirty. I'm not sure I'm buying the whole "we're like siblings" thing. Totally hot, though. Definitely still my faves. Well, maybe. Still have to see Ian. PS I liked their music last week better. Hard to top "I like to move it, move it." Especially since it makes me think of lemurs.

ETA4: Actually, even better than the B-list celebs are the unscripted comments from Tom, Bruno and Len. These three should perhaps not be allowed on live TV.

ETA5: Joey and Apolo were both definitely better than Ian this week. Laila, too, I think. But, fun song choice.

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